Sunday, December 13, 2009

Too stupid?

I have dated a lot of women in the last year. Some good, some not so good. It is what it is.

However, it makes me wonder about things. Is there something wrong with me?

No matter who I date, I always walk away and think, she's too stupid to realize what a great guy I am.

I know I'm a great guy. I am fit, dress well, smart, great job, I have a house, I have dreams and aspirations and I am chivalrous. All those qualities lead to being a great guy and I am that.

However, when a lady I date does not see that, I immediately think, she's a dufus for not seeing what a great guy I am. But, this is a script that is happening over and over again, or so it seems. It makes me feel like I'm taken for granted or doing something wrong.

I am not sure here, as this is being repeated so much. Am I picking the wrong ladies to date? Are they stupid? Am I stupid?

I just get tired of running the "that bitch is stupid" through my head each time a girl just doesn't "get it". Why aren't all those qualities being seen? Are they invisible? Am I invisible?

If I had a dollar for every time I heard "you will meet the right one", I'd be able to take a cruise for 7 days or something. I hear that a lot. It gets old hearing that.

So all that makes me wonder, I am I too stupid?

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