Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I will start at last night. I was hungry and quite frankly wanted a couple beers too. I headed off to Escalantes, my favorite watering hole. Enchiladas mariscos (seafood enchiladas) and a couple Dos Equis and I felt great. I was right where I wanted to be.

My friend Pam, text me, was hungry and thirsty. I told her where I was and she met me there. We had a deep conversation about life, liberty and my pursuit of fukkedupness. No topic went uncovered. I tried her margarita. Great move then. Bad move now. Never mix alcohol and beer. Anyway, it was good and I had a couple of them too.

I headed home and had a few stellas, listened to music, while on facebook and twitter.

Every year, I dial up Mannheim Steamroller's version of O Holy Night. This song, conjures up memories of being in catholic church as a kid. My dad ran the choir and during midnight mass they'd sing that song. It always puts a lump in my throat. If you didn't know, my dad passed away June 2000. Add that song and my inebriation and you get me grieving. I cried a lot. I cry every year for his loss. To be brutally honest, that's a good thing. It's good to miss one and not hold on to those emotions. As I write this recount of last night, I feel good that I cried. It's gone and quite frankly, now I am going to focus on great memories that I have of Thanksgiving and Christmas. My goal is to write down some of those memories. I will try to reminisce about good memories over this holiday season. Keep them written down and maybe even blog about them.

I think blogging about my pain helps me exorcise it in a way. I have grieved anonymously every year, sharing it with nobody. This year I shared it a bit on facebook and I think that helped me.

1 comment:

  1. Since when are Enchiladas considered normal Thanksgiving fare?

    Have a great Thanksgiving!
