Monday, June 1, 2009


Don’t try this at home kids.

I got up, hit the breakfast buffet and decided to wait for an omelet. It was good. I had some French toast and bacon with it.

I go back to my room and I cannot get in. Even the help could not get in. The security guy had to come and change out the infrared lock. I had to sit outside for 10 minutes while I waited for him to get there. Once it was finally done, I called guest services and nobody answered. When I say, nobody, I mean nobody answered after 20 rings. I was not happy considering the lock failed and such. Everything on the lock is changed out and it finally works.

I get ready for the beach, pack up my stuff and walk down there, find a spot and a cervezas. I run into two dudes from Vancouver there with their girlfriends. We end up playing water volleyball, which is quite hard. We had a blast and it was a great way to start my day.

I spent some more time at the beach, listening to music, drinking beer and swimming. It was paradise to say the least.

I finally hit the lunch buffet which was actually good. Lots of fresh fruit available and stuff off barbeque grills.

Back to the beach it was after lunch for more of the same.

I head back to the bar and swim up to it, to get a beer. It was there that I ran into a couple from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. What are the odds of that! They were there on their honeymoon and were very nice. The Boston girls showed up finally and the bar pool was the place to be.

My time there was cut short however. I decide to swim to the bar and the water is really shallow and I doink my head on the bottom. I was bleeding, so Kristen, one of the Boston girls helps me out, gets a napkin to stop the bleeding. Security was called and they drove me to the medical facility. The doctor there was a nice lady who took care of me quite well. I have stitches in my forehead from it. It all cost me $326, so don’t attempt that swim maneuver at home kids. I will file a claim with my insurance company when I get back.

I get my stuff from the pool and head back to the room, all the while being escorted by security.

I pass out from all the drama and beer. I slept all nite until 2:00 A.M. I couldn’t sleep then for about 2 hours, and finally fell back asleep around 4:30. I got some serious rest though, which is good.

I had a dream that my cats were fat from eating all weekend!!! Too funny!

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